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Prime Strategies Presents - The Business Balancing Act: Strategies for Time, Profit, and Freedom

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Name: Prime Strategies Presents - The Business Balancing Act: Strategies for Time, Profit, and Freedom
Date: October 16, 2024
Time: 12:00 PM - 12:00 PM NZDT
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:


As a business owner, do these comments resonate with you?

·        No time

·        No money

·        No lifestyle

·        I’m chasing my tail and not making headway

·        My business has so much potential, but I’m not sure how to realise it.

Everyone knows business these days is hard. We get it; Prime Advisors have been senior managers and business owners. We’ve been at the coalface, through share market collapses, the GFC, COVID, and more than our fair share of recessions. We understand it’s difficult to think about next week, next month or even next year when today and tomorrow are the problems.  

Join Prime Strategies Waikato business management advisors Brad, Breton, Dave and Darren for an interactive conversation about the issues all business owners face today and how easy some solutions can be.

Cambridge Cricket Pavilion 

Date/Time Information:
Wednesday 16th October    
12noon -2pm            
Contact Information:
Aroha Croft
Tickets $20 per person
Limited 30 participants
Lite refreshments provided


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